Services Offered

Deployment Projects

For many organizations, IT staffing represents an ongoing challenge. Technology is constantly evolving, and finding and training IT personnel for your organization can be time consuming, difficult, and extremely expensive. TechCastles has a deep pool of certified IT professionals with the most highly-requested and highly-desired skill sets. 

Cloud Computing

Built on the industry’s leading cloud-enabled technologies, TechCastles offers a suite of fully managed enterprise-class public cloud infrastructure services designed and customized to integrate tightly with your existing on-prem or off-prem environments, all with the cost benefit of secure shared infrastructure. 

HelpDesk Support

We know that your business's needs are completely different from the next, so we offer 100% custom packages for any business size or budget

Network Design

Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.

Network Assessments

We proactively monitor and manage your core IT infrastructure 24×7, 365 days a year. Our staff works around the clock to ensure every aspect of your network and server hardware and components are fully up to date, secure and optimized.

Managed Security

Protecting and securing your data is always our top priority.  We monitor and manage firewall updates, continually update anti-virus and malware protection, harden your network with a cloud-delivered, network security service and much, much more.

Managed Services

Our enhanced managed services offering complements your internal IT team, as many mid-market organizations don’t need or can’t justify the expense of a full-time employee to staff a Microsoft Engineer, Security, or SQL DBA position.

Onsite IT Consulting

  • Allocation of dedicated, technical resources
  • Access to a team of certified professionals
  • Focus on specialized application skills
  • Less cost and time dedicated to internal training
  • Maintenance, management and support of your specific applications

Professional Services

We assign you a Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) who will continually review your service quality and provide proactive recommendations on how technology can further enhance your business. These recommendations, along with our Customer Service Dashboard reports, provide you the information you need to make sound business decisions